March 2023 Pictures

Dr. Mehret and Dr. Musee operate, both are Pediatric Surgery Fellows originally from Ethiopia, at Kijabe for training.
Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Caire discuss a patient in the adult ward.Dr. Peterson and resident Dr. Logodi operating on an ENT patient.Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care Clinical Officer trainee Jack providing breathing assistance in the NICU.
Visitors from African Mission Heathcare with Kijabe staff and sponsored students.  In 2022-2023 Friends of Kijabe and AMH have partnered on funding for Anesthesiology and Nursing education as well as NICU, ICU, and Surgical equipment funding. Wildfires on “One Tree Hill” above Kijabe last weekend.  Thankfully the blaze did not spread even with the strong winds and dry forest.  Much needed rain arrived this week.






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