
Donate by Credit Card

Please visit to make an instant donation by Credit Card/ACH/Apple Pay.

Suggested donation default is to the Friends Fund (most needed), or you can choose among available giving options if you have a specific need you wish to support.

Donate by Check

Friends of Kijabe has an automated deposit account with Truist Bank, please mail checks to:

Friends of Kijabe
P.O. Box 896762
Charlotte, NC  28289-6762

If this is your first donation, please include this form.

Securities or Non-Cash Gifts

Friends of Kijabe has a single charity account through National Christian Foundation to receive gifts of securities or other assets like real estate, precious metals, intellectual property, etc.

Please use the mutual fund transfer form to donate.

For any questions feel free to contact the NCF Carolina’s Office:
704 716-2900


Friends of Kijabe has a beneficiary account with for Gift-Aid eligible donations: 

Stewardship normally makes disbursements once the account balance reaches £300, so please notify if you are giving toward a time-sensitive need.


As of mid-2023 Re:Charity is no longer accepting donations for Friends of Kijabe, please let us know if you come across a Canadian charity that is able receive on behalf of an international non-profit.

Gift Acceptance Policy

Download the Friends of Kijabe Gift Acceptance Policy here

Candid (formerly Guidestar) has 990 filing and other information available for charitable status confirmation: