Category: Uncategorized

  • 10 Years, 10 Projects

    I (David) moved to Kijabe 10 years ago in September, and the Elimu Education Housing building was the first project I worked on even before Friends of Kijabe launched. Since then, Friends of Kijabe was part of significant infrastructure expansion at Kijabe, even in hard times like we are experiencing now with the Kenyan Health…

  • 2024 Faith in Medicine Conference

    2024 Faith in Medicine Conference

    Spiritual Engagement, Religion and Health in the Africa Context The Problem: Mission Hospitals have been at the forefront of delivering modern health care (the science of medicine) and building capacity for Africa’s healthcare workforce (teaching modern health care practice) for more than a century. The impetus for bringing modern scientific healthcare techniques to the continent…

  • March 2023 Pictures

    March 2023 Pictures

    Dr. Mehret and Dr. Musee operate, both are Pediatric Surgery Fellows originally from Ethiopia, at Kijabe for training. Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Caire discuss a patient in the adult ward.Dr. Peterson and resident Dr. Logodi operating on an ENT patient.Pediatric Emergency & Critical Care Clinical Officer trainee Jack providing breathing assistance in the NICU.Visitors from…

  • Chapel Opening

    Chapel Opening

    The beautiful Kijabe Hospital Chapel is now open.  What an amazing place for our staff and patients to worship, recharge, and remember that God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.   The stunning entry door was inspired by the photo below of the original Kijabe church that was used from the 1920’s to…