ACH Bank Transfer is the lowest-cost way to send a donation to Friends of Kijabe.

Choose from the links above to make for a monthly subscription or below for a one-time payment. Credit-Card/ApplePay options are also available checkout options.

There are three options for creating your monthly ACH:

  1. If you already have your bank account connected to Link (the green arrow logo), you can make a quick-payment. Ignore the pop-up window if you don’t want to use Link.
  2. Log into your bank and link the account you wish to debit (I’d recommend not connecting other accounts).
  3. Manually enter your bank information and follow up by entering the micro-deposit amounts. This may take 1-2 business days.

After you create your ACH, you will be able to manage your donation and billing details in the Stripe Customer Portal: This donation management link will also be included with each payment receipt.

One Time Donation